Categories for Plumbing Maintenance

Does Your Sink Spurt? Figure Out Why Your Faucet Leaks

January 1, 2020

A lot of sink problems are easy to identify—if water backs up in the drain, you probably have a clog, and if the faucet drips even when the handle is turned off, there’s a leak there. However, there are other types of faucet leaks that might not be quite so easy to spot. If you need help fixing your leaking faucet, don’t hesitate to call the professionals—Rooter Express can help you resolve the problem. Here’s an overview of what to check if your faucet seems to be leaking: Dripping spouts: If water is coming out of the faucet even when... View Article

What’s That Smell in Your Bathroom?

December 1, 2019

Your bathroom is probably already a font of unpleasant odors without adding plumbing problems to the mix—that’s just the nature of the human body. However, if you notice a foul odor lingering long after you last flushed, that could indicate a plumbing problem. The best way to eliminate bad odors in the bathroom and toilet smells is to evaluate what the smell is like, which will help you figure out the source of the problem. If it seems a little above your pay grade, be sure to call the friendly team at Rooter Express. We’re happy to help 24/7, whether... View Article

How to Stop Your Toilet from Continuously Running

November 1, 2019

If your toilet is constantly running, how can you help but worry? Malfunctioning plumbing can be minor, but on the off chance that it’s a sign of a deeper issue, it’s smart to call a plumber as soon as possible. Constantly leaking or running toilets can lead to much higher water bills—and lead to bigger issues down the line. Try these tips to solve the problem, and if you run into trouble, be sure to call Rooter Express for help. How toilets work When you flush your toilet, water fills the tank and lifts a float that helps determine when... View Article

How to Deep Clean Your Garbage Disposal

September 15, 2019

For many of us, a kitchen garbage disposal is a convenient and fast way to get rid of food scraps that didn’t quite make it into the trash can. The more you use the disposal, however, the more likely it is that food bits will lodge themselves into the machinery and drain. This can cause a strong, unpleasant odor that you should address as soon as you notice it. While common, and generally not harmful, it’s unwise to let additional food particles build up in your sink and plumbing. With this in mind, here’s a guide to garbage disposal deep... View Article

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